Ajou University Graduate School of International Studies (Dean Jay Ick Lim) arranged a meeting of its finance program graduates in Cambodia. Under the KFB-Ajou Banking and Finance Scholarship Program, the University provides education in banking, finance, IT, and the Korean language to Cambodian undergraduates over the course of ten weeks. Program graduates then participate in 12-week internships at Korean banks operating in Cambodia (KB, Shinhan, and PPCB, etc.). The Program provides short-term training based on an agreement signed in September 2017 between Ajou and KFB (Korea Federation of Banks) to foster local talents with financial expertise, producing a total of 29 graduates so far – 14 in 2017 and 15 in 2018. From among them, 20 have been employed by Korean banks located in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, after completing their internships. Sim Piseth, a graduate of the Program and employee at KB's Cambodia branch, said, "I realized the excellence of Korean banks as I learned about the financial market in Korea during the KFB-Ajou Banking and Finance Scholarship Program," adding, "I would like to contribute to the development of Cambodia's financial system." Dean Jay Ick Lim said, "We at Ajou University are very proud that we are helping Korean banks expand their presence in Cambodia and hire new employees and are contributing to local economic and financial development," adding, "Ajou would like to expand exchanges with Cambodia in many ways now that we have developed a special relationship through the KFB-Ajou Program graduates."
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2019-08-30
- 9738
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Ajou University sent 221 students to 14 countries for global programs during this summer vacation. Ajou University is providing students with valuable opportunities to develop their international networks and global insights through the Paran Ladder Program, the short-term overseas training program, and the Global Internship Program. These three annual programs are organized through the exchange agreements that Ajou's Office of International Affairs has signed with major universities around the globe. First, 100 students, including 20 from other universities, were sent to the University of Michigan and the University of Washington-Seattle in the U.S., and Shanghai Jiaotong University in China for four weeks this summer under the Paran Ladder Program. Participants took part in a weeklong orientation before leaving Korea, which included sessions on self-assessment, career exploration, and attaining the necessary knowledge for the Program. They then participated in various activities at overseas partner universities, including advanced language classes, cultural programs, and research projects. The Program, which is being carried out by the Ministry of Education and the Korea Student Aid Foundation, provides support for short-term overseas education for students experiencing financial difficulties and all the expenses for the participating students are paid by the government and Ajou University. ▲ Students participating in the Paran Ladder Program pose for a picture at Shanghai Jiaotong University in China. Meanwhile, under the short-term overseas training program, 99 students were dispatched to eight partner universities for two to four weeks, including Stony Brook University and George Mason University (USA), the University of Bayreuth (Germany), Tallinn University (Estonia), the Audencia Nantes School of Management (France), Sapporo Gakuin University (Japan), the University of Indonesia (Indonesia), and Asia University (Taiwan). The participants took part in training related to their majors, language classes, and other research projects. The short-term program is available during the summer and winter vacations every year, earning more than 200 students credits for the seasonal semesters. ▲ Students attending the short-term overseas training program pose for a picture at the Audencia Nantes School of Management in France. The Global Internship Program is designed to give students opportunities to gain firsthand experience in the business and culture of global corporations. During this summer vacation, 22 students were sent to 13 companies in eight countries, including those in the U.S., Malaysia, Japan, Australia, Vietnam, Singapore, and the U.K. Among the corporations partnering with Ajou are H Mart, a Korean-run supermarket in the U.S.; KOTRA; and a number of other prominent companies established by Ajou University graduates and Korean nationals. The Program period ranges from one to eight months depending on the company with up to 18 credits acknowledged by the University, which also provides financial support. ▲ Participants of the Global Internship Program pose for a picture at PDS Consulting in Malaysia.
- 작성자이근***
- 작성일2019-08-23
- 10440
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Ajou University has been selected as an "Innovation Leading University for the Fourth Industrial Revolution."The Innovation Leading University for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Project, which is being carried out by the Ministry of Education and the National Research Foundation of Korea as part of the LINC (Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation) Plus Project, aims to foster talents who are skilled at problem-solving based on convergence-oriented knowledge and 4C (critical thinking, communication, creativity, and collaboration) abilities.Thirty-six universities that are participating in the LINC+ Project applied for the Innovation Leading University Project, and 10 universities, including Ajou, have been selected from among them. The Project period is three years through 2021, and KRW 1 billion will be invested per year for each university.Ajou University formed a committee last year to choose its area of specialization for the Innovation Leading University for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Project and identify competitive areas in seeking innovation considering its institutional strengths. The University then designated the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Director: Professor Sang In Kim) as the responsible department and developed a plan to foster talents specializing in intelligent semiconductor sensors. During the Project, the University plans to design tailored curriculum in line with the trends in the semiconductor industry; be involved in the process of identifying and addressing the technological challenges of SMEs; and integrate communication, convergence, and practice in the educational environment. It also plans to foster creative talents who can develop sophisticated semiconductor sensors in the hyper-connected and hyper-intelligence society.
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2019-07-30
- 14961
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The 2019 AASP Conference, which was held at Ajou University from July 3rd to the 5th, discussed the direction of pharmacy education and the fostering of pharmacists in Asia.The Conference, which was co-hosted by the Korean Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology (KSPST) and AASP, featured lectures on the latest research results, a symposium, and a poster release.AASP was founded in 2001 to seek the development of and cooperation in Asia's pharmacy education and has colleges of pharmacy, pharmaceutical and bio companies, and healthcare-related institutions in Asian countries as its members, including those from South Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, and India. The 2019 AASP Conference, which was held under the theme "Impact of Rapidly Changing Environment on Pharmacy Education, Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Asia," was attended by about 600 participants from 23 countries, including students, professors, researchers, and prominent scholars in relevant industries.Beom Jin Lee, Dean of Ajou's College of Pharmacy and President of KSPST, said, "The AASP Conference held extensive discussions on the future direction of pharmacy education and the fostering of pharmacists now that tailored patient services are necessary amid the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and aging," adding, "It also was an opportunity to share knowledge and information on global advanced technologies and discuss the latest research trends for the development of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. Thus, the Conference served as a venue for the development of pharmacy education and research in Asia."He went on to say, "It is important to design a core curriculum and academic guidelines for Asian colleges of pharmacy so that individual institutions can share and then combine their distinctive education.”
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2019-07-30
- 11203
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President Park stressed the importance of 'project-based learning,' saying "One first-hand experience is better than repeated observations of others doing something," and mentioned Ajou University's Paran Semester Project as an example of such learning.The Hanseatic League of Universities, which hosted its 2nd Conference at Incheon National University on July 4th and 5th, is an association of universities from around the world and was founded at the initiative of Holland's Hanze University. The Conference was attended by university presidents, vice presidents, and professors with administrative positions from about 70 universities in Korea and beyond, including those from the U.S., Germany, Spain, Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, and Japan. The participants exchanged views on the innovative practices taking place at different universities and discussed the future direction of higher education and the new university evaluation system.President Park gave his speech under the theme "The Future of University: Real Impact on Society" on July 5th before the release of the World’s Universities with Real Impact, a new university ranking reflecting the innovations and reforms being pursued by individual universities.President Park said, "Only half of university graduates are working in areas related to their majors," adding, "Ajou is committed to producing graduates with Connecting Minds who are able to combine different areas by crossing over beyond academic disciplines and who seek to gain extensive knowledge and experiences."
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2019-07-30
- 10543
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The ceremony to launch the second Paran Ladder Program, which provides overseas training opportunities to students in difficult financial conditions, was held on June 26th in K Art Hall in Seoul, with participating students and officials from the relevant universities in attendance. About 100 program participants and President Hyung Ju Park joined the event from Ajou University. This year, a total of 1,220 students are participating in the Program.The event kicked off with the playing of a congratulatory video message from Education Minister Eun Hae Yoo, followed by a congratulatory speech by Chairman Joung Woo Lee of Korea Student Aid Foundation, an introduction to and progress report on the Program, the reading of the program launching declaration and oath, and a special lecture by Italian television personality Alberto Mondi and Vice President Gil Young Song of Daumsoft.The Paran Ladder Program, which is being carried out by the Ministry of Education and the Korea Student Aid Foundation, aims to give career development opportunities to students experiencing financial difficulties and thereby raise the level of educational equality. All the expenses for the participating students are paid by the government and the participating universities. Fifteen universities, including Ajou, are operating training courses for the Program. The Paran Ladder Program was initiated by the Korean government, which acknowledged the excellence of and benchmarked the 'AFTER YOU Program – Ajou Global Campus' that was launched in 2015 by Ajou University. A total of 100 students, including 20 from other universities, were selected for the month-long AFTER YOU Program this summer and will be sent to the University of Michigan and the University of Washington in the U.S. and Shanghai Jiaotong University in China later this month. Ajou's AFTER YOU Program was integrated into the Paran Ladder Program in 2018 for a three-year period.Meanwhile, last month, Ajou University held a week-long orientation for the Paran Semester Program to provide a career design workshop, education on challenge design and overseas safety, and a seminar with a local representative of Education USA. During the orientation, President Park gave a lecture under the theme "Look Beyond and Dream Bigger," saying, "I hope that you will learn how to gain insights through experiences of connection in a different culture and environment."
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2019-07-30
- 10156
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Ajou University and China's Rizhao City agreed to pursue extensive cooperation, including on education. Rizhao City, which is located in Shandong Province, China, is geographically close to South Korea and is seeking to build a close relationship with Ajou University.Ajou University President Hyung Ju Park joined Rizhao City Mayor Li Yonghong for a signboard hanging ceremony for a preliminary class that will enter Ajou during his 3-day visit to Rizhao from May 28th. Mayor Li graduated from the University's Graduate School of International Studies in 2001.Ajou also signed agreements on exchanges with Shandong Foreign Languages Vocational College and Haiqu High School with the help of the Rizhao City government, which is expected to help the University attract Chinese students. President Park said, "We need to foster global talents who are proficient in foreign languages and have in-depth knowledge in specific areas of expertise," adding, "I ask for your cooperation in attracting Chinese students to Ajou University." Principal Gaoyuebo of Haiqu High School replied, "I will make every effort to recommend talented students to study at Ajou."Meanwhile, Rizhao City Mayor Li invited President Park and other officials from Ajou to an event in October to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Rizhao becoming a city. He suggested that the two sides discuss the establishment of an industry-academia research institute during the proposed meeting.
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2019-07-30
- 10213
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Ajou University granted an honorary doctorate in engineering to Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) CEO Mohamed Al Hammadi.The ceremony, which was held on May 23rd in Yulgok Hall, was attended by Ajou University President Hyung Ju Park, Ambassador Abdullah Saif Al Nuaimi from the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates to the Republic of Korea, Vice President Hyun Seung Lim from KEPCO, and CEO Jun Yeon Byun from Vision Power, etc.The honorary doctorate was awarded in recognition of his designing of the UAE's nuclear energy program as the CEO of ENEC and his significant contributions to the development of the strategic relationship between South Korea and the UAE since 2007.Mohamed Al Hammadi, who is a prominent figure in the global nuclear energy and power generation community, has been promoting the advanced expertise and executive abilities of Korea's nuclear power industry, the successful partnership between Korea and the UAE, and their business models, etc., at various global events.President Park said, "I expect that Ajou and ENEC will be able to create synergy by collaborating in various areas, including the development of prediction models utilizing Big Data and Artificial Intelligence and joint research for developing environment-friendly fuel technologies." Prior to the event, Mohamed Al Hammadi and Ajou University professors from Graduate School's Department of Energy System Research and Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science discussed joint research activities utilizing Big Data.
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2019-07-30
- 10598
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2019-05-17 Ajou University held the 10th University Ranking Forum of Korea to explore ways to raise university competitiveness.The Forum was held on May 17th under the theme "University Rankings and the Competitiveness of Universities," with Ajou University President Hyung Ju Park, Chairman Young Suk Chi from Elsevier Korea, Tae Wan Kim from QS Korea, and officials from other universities in attendance. In his greetings, President Park said, "Today, you need more than expertise in a certain field," adding, "Education on basic knowledge has become more important at universities, and students should develop interdisciplinary connecting minds based on this education."He went on to say, "I believe trying something firsthand is more effective than repeatedly observing how others do it," adding, "Ajou University is fostering talents with more than expertise in their own fields."In his keynote speech, Elsevier Korea Chairman Chi used baseball as an example, saying "Baseball is a sport that extensively uses data in recruiting and replacing players, which makes it a Big Data-driven business," adding, "This suggests that universities should study how to utilize data as necessary."He further emphasized, "The criteria for university evaluation will change in the next five years and the 'substantial influence' that a university has on society in accomplishing sustainable goals will become important." He then explained that universities should set long-term directions instead of focusing on short-term results like university rankings and decide on their own areas of specialization."Tae Wan Kim (QS Korea), Chang Dana (Elsevier and URFK), Yoon Hee Kang (Clarivate Analytics), Alexandros Papaspyridis (MS Singapore Office), Vice President for Planning Soon Keon Nam (Kyung Hee University), and Head of the Office of Global Affairs Byong Kwon Kim (Youngsan University) also gave presentations for different sessions during the event.
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2019-05-28
- 12704
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2019-04-10 Ajou University held a ceremony to announce Vision 4.0, its mid-/long-term development plan that includes its future educational directions and philosophy.The ceremony was held on April 10th at the University's outdoor theater with Ajou people and local citizens in attendance during the Cherry Blossom Festival celebrating the University’s anniversary (April 12th) week.The event kicked off with a progress report on Vision 4.0, followed by congratulatory messages, a video introduction of the Vision, and the reading and announcement of the Vision Commitment. Ajou graduate Da Hee Jung (entrance class of 2010, Department of English Language and Literature) served as the M.C.Vice President for Planning Jung Ju Choi explained the background and progress of Ajou Vision 4.0, and congratulatory messages were offered by Gyeonggi Provincial Governor Jae Myung Lee, Suwon City Mayor Tae Young Yeom, National Assemblyman Kwang On Park, former Ajou University President Dong Yeon Kim (former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance), donors, Ajou students, and local high school students.President Park, freshmen (Ju Hwan Kim from the Department of Physics and Yeong Seo Park from the Department of Nursing Sciences), and new faculty (Professor Jae Ung Lee from the Department of Physics and Professor Yoon Mi Oh from the Department of French Language and Literature) and staff members (Seong Ho Kim from Facilities Management Team and Min Cheol Shin from Information System Team) participated in reading the Vision Commitment on behalf of all Ajou people. Prior to the main event, the commemorative Vision Tree was planted next to the outdoor theater by President Park, President Hee Sug Ryu of Ajou University Medical Center, President Chang Joon Ahn of the General Alumni Association of Ajou University, Chairman Sang Bae Kim (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) of the Faculty Council, President Ki Hoon Lee of the Student Council, and University Labor Union leader Ju Yong Kim.Ajou Vision 4.0 inherits the spirit of its three predecessors – Vision 1.0 for educational reform that was carried out from the mid-1990s and Vision 4U (2.0) and Vision 2023 (3.0) that were released in 2003 and 2008, respectively. This latest vision is expected to lead the University towards its fourth phase (Creating Values) in higher education after Training (Phase 1), Teaching (Phase 2), and Learning (Phase 3) and to pursue future development and sustainability in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.Vision 4.0 sets out the University’s plans for education, research, industry-academia cooperation, and institutional culture under the slogan "University that Changes Society with Connecting Minds." 'Connecting Minds' refers to the ability to solve problems in creative and proactive ways by encouraging people from different fields to work together.The five executive strategies of Vision 4.0 are to seek highly interactive educational innovation, establish highly influential research hubs, develop an ecosystem for innovation in industry-academia cooperation, create shared values by becoming an open campus, and set up the foundation and spread the culture for connecting minds.President Park said, "The future will be an 'era of connectivity' where individual players are respected and cooperate with one another," adding, "The new Vision will serve as a guide for the University to foster talents who are able to efficiently address problems involving multiple fields." < From the far left in the above picture are President Ki Hoon Lee of the Student Council, University Labor Union leader Ju Yong Kim, Chairman Sang Bae Kim of the Faculty Council, President Park, President Hee Sug Ryu of Ajou University Medical Center, and President Chang Joon Ahn of the General Alumni Association of Ajou University. > < Vice President for Planning Jung Ju Choi explains the progress report of Ajou Vision 4.0. >
- 작성자OI***
- 작성일2019-05-28
- 12425
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Ajou University Professor Suk Won Lee (Department of Software) was appointed as the Organizing Committee Chairman of IEEE RE’19.The 27th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’19) is scheduled to be held from September 23rd to the 27th at Ramada Plaza Hotel on Jeju Island.RE’19 is an international conference organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) that brings together more than 300 prominent researchers in software and requirements engineering from around the world. It is known for the active participation of attending researchers and businesses and accepting 11 to 20 percent of proposed papers.This year, under the theme ‘RE and Collective Intelligence in the Days of AI,’ it will feature theories on requirements sampling, modeling, representation, design, analysis, and verification for building smart intelligence systems in terms of software engineering as well as related practices and applications in relevant industries. RE’19 is the first academic conference to be held in Korea from among the Excellent Academic Conferences in Software Engineering designated by the National Research Foundation of Korea. IEEE and Ajou University will co-host the event, with many government institutions, companies, and academic institutions from Korea and abroad participating as sponsors.
- 작성자이근***
- 작성일2019-03-28
- 13743
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Government support has been extended for Ajou's Software Specialized University Project Group (SSUPG). Ajou University, which has carried out the first and second stages of the Project over the past four years since 2015, will continue the third stage through 2020 with KRW 4.03 billion in government support. The Software Specialized University Project (SSUP), which is carried out by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the Institute for Information & Communications Technology Promotion, aims to produce software experts. Ajou University was selected for the Project in 2015, the first year of the initiative, and has received financial support worth KRW 10.05 billion so far. The University is pursuing 12 key tasks in three categories, including Software Convergence Education, Software Education as a Major, and Software Awareness Improvement, to foster talents who will lead changes and innovation in the hyper-connected society. Eight universities were chosen in 2015, including Ajou, Korea University, Sogang University, and Sungkyunkwan University and a total of 30 universities are currently participating in the Project. Professor Ki Yeol Ryu (Department of Software), who is in charge of the Project, said, "The University was acknowledged for its solid achievements in the 2018 project evaluation," adding, "In particular, we received highly favorable comments on innovative education, curriculum, and convergence programs, including software education and collaboration with relevant institutions outside the University." He went on to say, "In the third stage, we will seek substantial progress based on the previous results."
- 작성자이근***
- 작성일2019-03-28
- 12996
- 동영상동영상