On December 1st, a team of Ajou University's Department of Civil System Engineering students (Soo Ro Yoon, Ha Jeong Chung, and Yoon Jeong Bae) won the Grand Prize at the 2018 Korean Institute of Building Information Modeling ContestThe Contest was held under the theme "How to Utilize Various Buildings’ Information Based on BIM (Building Information Modeling)." Award winners were selected based on their presentations. BIM, a leading technology for smart construction in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is a digital model that represents the shapes and properties of buildings based on a three-dimensional data model.The Ajou University team conducted Value Engineering of Daryong Railway Bridge located in Gimcheon, North Gyeongsang Province, through BIM information under the theme "Bridge VE through BIM." VE (Value Engineering) refers to the activities of analyzing the quality, endurance, and appearance of buildings required to realize a set of functions, including design, construction, and maintenance, at the minimum cost, and then make necessary improvements to achieve them.The students conducted a three-dimensional construction simulation with the CIM (Civil Information Management) program made by Midas IT and proposed recommended routes for cranes and the optimal construction from the perspective of process management and economic feasibility.Ha Jeong Chung said, "BIM and VE are expected to be increasingly important as a way to secure competitiveness as buildings are becoming larger and more complicated, sophisticated, and automated." Earlier in November, the student team received the KICT President Award for its BIM work at the 2018 BIM Awards co-hosted by Building Smart Korea and KICT (Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology).
- 작성자황지혜
- 작성일2019-02-22
- 12470
- 동영상동영상
- 작성자황지혜
- 작성일2019-02-22
- 12494
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On November 30th, Ajou University held its second Learning Analytics Conference in the Dasan Hall Grand Auditorium. During the Conference, relevant experts exchanged views on how to analyze and use the data on learners and the learning environment and discussed innovative cases that are actually being practiced at universities.The event was attended by about 110 professors and staff members from teaching and learning development centers and performance management centers from universities across the country. The first conference of its kind was held last February.Professor Jong Ho Shin, who leads Ajou University's Center for Teaching and Learning Development, presided over the Conference, and presentations were given under the titles "Prospects for Applying Learning Analytics to Higher Education (Ewha Womans University)," "Data-based Educational Achievement Management System and Its Feedback (Sun Moon University)," "Case Study on Establishing an Adaptive Learning System Based on Learning Analytics (Kidaptive Asia)," and "Case Study on Establishing a Learning Analytics-based Dashboard (Ajou University)."In his keynote speech, Ajou University President Hyung Ju Park stressed the importance of utilizing educational data for innovative university education and introduced Ajou's vision in that regard.Since 2016, Ajou University has been working to improve its educational and learning environment by collecting, analyzing, and using educational data through Ajou Teaching and Learning Analytics System (ATLAS). ATLAS is designed to extensively evaluate, gather, and analyze information on learners and the learning environment for improving their performance and the educational system as a whole, and to provide results to the interested parties in various formats so that they can optimize the learning process and environment. The University has also tried to develop the related system and educational programs as well as the learning analysis system, and the planned project for establishing an adaptive learning environment is part of such efforts that will provide tailored support to individual students based on their abilities. Professor Shin said, "This Conference provided insights on where and how Learning Analytics can be applied for education and learning within the university," adding, "In addition, we were able to share examples of using learning analysis dashboards and adaptive learning at universities, which are of the most interest regarding data analysis and usage."
- 작성자황지혜
- 작성일2019-02-22
- 12645
- 동영상동영상
Ajou University launched its Human Rights Center, which integrates human rights counseling functions in order to further strengthen the respectful culture among Ajou people. The opening ceremony for the Center was held in the auditorium of Seongho Hall on November 30th with Ajou University President Hyung Ju Park and faculty and staff members in attendance. It began with the introduction of the Center by Director and Professor Jin Kuk Lee (Law School), followed by a welcome speech by President Park and a congratulatory message by Lawyer Seong Geun Jang (former President of Gyeonggi Central Bar Association). President Park said, "Thanks to the efforts and dedication of Director Lee and other professors and staff members, the Human Rights Center is being launched today," adding, "I would like to thank the counselors and researchers of the Center who are providing such important services to Ajou people." Lawyer Jang said, "The role of the Center is increasingly important because the approach to human rights has changed to now include related policy-making beyond just supporting those whose human rights have been infringed upon as in the past," adding, "I congratulate Ajou on the opening of the Center that will mediate diverse points of view on campus." President of the Korean Institute of Criminology In Sup Han, who lead the Human Rights Center and currently serves as a professor at Seoul National University, then gave a special lecture under the title "The Role of Human Rights Centers at Universities." After the opening ceremony, a signboard hanging event for the Center was held on the fourth floor of the Student Building. Reporting directly to the University President, the Human Rights Center is responsible for counseling, education, research, and other matters relating to the protection and promotion of human rights, gender equality, and support for disabled students. * Contact information of the Human Rights Counseling Office: Phone 031-219-1733 / e-mail: humanrights@ajou.ac.kr / Room 417, Student Building
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2018-12-11
- 14555
- 동영상동영상
Two research centers were launched after Ajou University was earlier selected by the Ministry of Science and ICT for the Information Technology Research Center (ITRC) Project. On November 27th, Ajou University President Hyung Ju Park, officials from the government, professors involved in the project, and students all participated in the opening ceremony for the MR-IoT Convergence AI Disaster Research Center and the Satellite Information Convergence Services and ICT Experts Fostering Center. The ceremony kicked off with a welcoming speech by President Park, followed by congratulatory remarks by Director Hong Taek Yong (Ministry of Science and ICT), Head of IITP Je Beom Seok, Director Jae Yeol Lee (Gyeonggi Disaster and Safety Headquarters), and Head of Satellite Information Center Hyo Suk Lim (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) and introductions by Professor Byeong Hee Roh of the Department of Software (Head of the MR-IoT Center) and Professor Jae Hyun Kim of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Head of the Satellite Information Center). The Ministry of Science and ICT expects the ITRCs to play a key role in promoting ICT-related industry-academia cooperation and fostering talents in the related fields. Twelve centers from 11 universities, including two from Ajou, were chosen as ITRCs in the key areas of the Fourth Industrial Revolution such as Big Data, AI, intelligent semi-conductors, blockchain, and quantum computing. Each ITRC will receive KRW 530 million to KRW 800 million over the next four years. In his welcome speech, President Park said, "Ajou's two ITRCs will create synergy by connecting with IoT and AI that will lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution," adding, "I expect that the ITRCs will produce excellent results and provide students with opportunities to learn how ICT will contribute to human life and thereby build expertise in their respective areas." Professor Roh said, "The MR-IoT Center aims to develop technologies that can create synergy across a platform," adding, "I plan to turn the Center into one that can help deal with disasters or evacuation by partnering with local governments." Professor Kim said, "The Satellite Information Center will analyze disasters such as fine dust, droughts, and earthquakes based on satellite-collected information and other observation data," adding, "In addition, I will explore new businesses, for example, forecasting annual sales of marts based on the number of parked vehicles or projecting the size of the rice harvest by analyzing the amount of water stored in paddy fields via satellite pictures."
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2018-12-11
- 14318
- 동영상동영상
Ajou University held the 2018 International Day. The event aims to promote exchanges among international and Korean students and faculty and staff members from Ajou University. It was held on November 8th on the lawn behind the University Gymnasium, and about 300 students from 38 countries set up booths and introduced their local culture and food, etc. About 100 students from the University served as volunteers. Booths for Oceania (the Solomon Islands) and Africa (Ghana, Nigeria, Algeria, Egypt, etc.) were installed as well as those for Asia (Japan, China, Vietnam, etc.) and Europe (France, Germany, etc.). Students from seven American countries, including the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Columbia also joined the program. The event also featured performances by students from six counties – Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Myanmar, Nepal, and Jamaica. Ajou University has sisterhood relationships with 318 universities and institutions in 67 countries around the world and various programs are underway with these universities, including student and faculty exchanges, dual degrees, and joint research. Under the dual degree program, Ajou University students can earn a dual degree when they obtain certain credits at Ajou and then the remaining credits at the sister university – Stony Brook University or the Illinois Institute of Technology in the U.S. In addition, other international programs are available, including the Global Internship, the Paran Ladder, and short-term dispatches to overseas institutes.
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2018-12-11
- 14444
- 동영상동영상
The Joongang Ilbo unveiled its first "Innoversity" ("Innovation" + "University") list based on the evaluation of science and technology research innovation at Korean universities. The Innoversity list is based on its assessment of 48 universities that produced at least 400 SCI-listed papers and made at least 200 inventions from 2013 to 2016. Ajou University ranked 10th on the Innoversity list with 561 points. POSTECH led the ranking, with UNIST and Sungkyunkwan University taking 2nd and 3rd places, respectively, followed by KAIST (4th) and Seoul National University (5th). In partnership with Clarivate Analytics, a scientific and academic research analytics company, The Joongang Ilbo came up with 10 criteria to evaluate the excellence of academic papers and patents with a global influence. Regarding academic papers, four indexes were used – the ratio of Highly Cited Papers, the ratio of top 10% papers, the Category Normalized Citation Index, and the ratio of papers published in the top 25% of academic journals. Four other indexes were applied to inventions and patents – the number of total inventions, the ratio of inventions cited at least once in academic papers, citations per invention, and the ratio of patent applications submitted to four countries (U.S., China, E.U., and Japan). Two indexes were used to measure Collaboration – the ratio of joint research with companies and the ratio of joint research with foreign scholars. The daily newspaper added an additional 10 points for universities that have one or more Highly Cited Researchers, who are announced every year by Clarivate Analytics.
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2018-12-11
- 13571
- 동영상동영상
Ajou University climbed one spot to rank 11th from 12th last year in the 2018 Joongang Ilbo University Evaluation, which assessed fifty-seven four-year universities with at least four colleges from among the humanities, social sciences, engineering, natural sciences, medicine, and the arts and physical education. The University received 172 points in the Evaluation. By category, it ranked 10th in Efforts and Achievement in Student Education, 14th in Reputation, 15th in Faculty Research, and 16th in Educational Environment, and performed particularly well in the diversity of foreign students (4th place), the number of faculty members (15th), student participation in on-site internships (4th), student participation in business start-up education (1st), and willingness to recommend the university (10th). Seoul National University topped this year's Joongang Ilbo University Evaluation, with Sungkyunkwan University and Hanyang University taking 2nd and 3rd places, respectively, followed by Korea University (4th) and Yonsei University (5th). The Joongang Ilbo applies 32 criteria for a maximum of 300 points in such categories as Faculty Research (10 criteria, 100 points) and Educational Environment (12 criteria, 100 points), Efforts and Achievement in Student Education (6 criteria, 70 points), and Reputation (4 criteria, 30 points). In Faculty Research, more points are given for paper citations than the number of published papers, and the individual college averages are considered. As for student participation in on-site internships, the payment that students receive is also considered. The Reputation criterion is based on surveys of 550 staff members in charge of human resources at private and public corporations and 550 high school teachers.
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2018-12-11
- 13494
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- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2017-08-28
- 21297
- 동영상동영상
Ajou University performed well in domestic and international university evaluations.Ajou University ranked 21st in the list of 'Asia Pacific's Most Innovative Universities – 2017,' which was released on June 8th. Ajou took ninth place among the Korean universities that were evaluated in the ranking.Reuters, the world's largest news agency, collaborated with Clarivate Analytics, formerly Thomson Reuters' intellectual property and science business, to rank the 75 most innovative universities in Asia. The ranking evaluates individual universities in terms of the number and influence of their patent filings and research paper citations.Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) topped this year's ranking, followed by Seoul National University, University of Tokyo, Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH), Sungkyunkwan University, Tsinghua University, Tohoku University, Kyoto University, Osaka University, and Hanyang University.China has 25 universities on the list, including those in Hong Kong, followed by South Korea (22), and Japan (19). Five Australian universities, four from Hong Kong, two from Singapore, and one from India are also included in the ranking.Ajou University climbed one spot to 21st place from 22nd last year. KAIST, Seoul National University, POSTECH, and Sungkyunkwan University, etc., are ranked above Ajou.In addition, Ajou University jumped from 26th place last year to 14th spot in the 2017 Evaluation of Natural Sciences and Engineering Colleges conducted by The Korea Economic Daily.The Korea Economic Daily assessed 50 natural sciences and engineering colleges in South Korea in terms of their quality of education and research, industry-academia cooperation and commercialization of technologies, support for business start-ups and employment of students, and reputation. Ajou University advanced noticeably in the category of support for business start-ups and employment (ratio of students participating in on-site internships and start-up courses).
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2017-07-07
- 23241
- 동영상동영상
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2017-07-07
- 23084
- 동영상동영상
The third event to present the achievements of Paran Semester was held on the afternoon of June 8th in Ajou University's Dasan Hall Auditorium. The event was attended by students participating in Paran Semester for the spring semester of the 2017 academic year, their guiding professors, and other students.Prior to the main event, the student participants displayed and explained their task achievements on the ground floor of Dasan Hall. This was then followed by a video on Paran Semester, presentations by 16 teams on their respective tasks, speeches to encourage the students by former Ajou University President Dong Yeon Kim, Gyeonggi Provincial Governor Kyung Pil Nam, Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs Hee Sug Ryu, and Professor Man Yop Han (Department of Civil System Engineering), a summarized evaluation by a judge (Professor Kyung Ran Kang of the Department of Software), and the presentation of awards. Sang Hyeon Kim (Department of e-Business), who participated in last year's Paran Semester, served as the M.C.The presented awards included the Innovator Award, the Pioneer Award, the Pilot Award, the Turning Point Award, The Eye-catcher Award (special award), the Star of Tomorrow Award, the Zero to One Award, the Golden Failure Award, and the Great Sailor Award. The Great Sailor Award and two million won in prize money went to Team Owl Pictures, whose task was to produce and distribute movies and host a university student film festival. The prize money for the team came from the donation by Professor Man Yop Han.Thirty-two teams of 139 students participated in the third Paran Semester – Ajou Creative Activity Program. Guiding professors and experts from outside the University served as advisors to the students and the University checked their progress through interim and final reports submitted by the students.The event was joined by Deputy Prime Minister and former Ajou University President Dong Yeon Kim and Gyeonggi Provincial Governor Kyung Pil Nam. Deputy Prime Minister Kim presented two million won in scholarship funds and offered encouragement to the Paran Semester participants.He said, "I hope that our students do not spend their time only on studying and finding jobs. Instead, I ask you to enjoy your current life and be happy every moment," adding, "I expect you to confront the challenges you face in pursuing your own dream."Students should design programs on their own to apply for Paran Semester and receive 3-18 regular credits if the tasks are successfully completed. There is no limitation of the areas in which students may design their tasks, i.e., the humanities, culture and arts, community services, globalization, and industry-academia cooperation. It is also possible to choose or revise programs from among those suggested by the University or professors.The tasks of the 'Paran Semester' participants for this semester include Developing an Autonomous Vehicle, Developing a Safety Alarm Device to Prevent Lonely Deaths among Senior Citizens Living Alone, Hosting a Short Film Festival for University Students, Producing a Game That Helps People Learn about Psychology, and Developing One-touch Applications to Receive Citizens' Requests.Award-winning teams for the spring semester of the 2017 Academic Year are as follows:▲ The Great Sailor Award: Owl Pictures▲ The Golden Failure Award: Pudong▲ The Zero to One Award: Panorama▲ The Star of Tomorrow Award: Shinabro▲ The Turning Point Award: AMaDo, Freedom▲ The Pilot Award: NO!SE, Blue Ocean▲ The Pioneer Award: Imagination, Smunalbi, White Cane, E.S.I.A, SFAC UP▲ The Innovator Award: ave the africa, TT, Drone Dreamers, Lemon, Spring Costume, SIAO UNNIEZ, Superlazy▲The Eye-catcher Award (special award): Blue Ocean< Former President Dong Yeon Kim delivers his words of encouragement. >< Gyeonggi Provincial Governor Kyung Pil Nam delivers his words of encouragement. >< Members of Owl Pictures, who received the Great Sailor Award, and Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs Hee Sug Ryu pose for a picture. >
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2017-07-07
- 23588
- 동영상동영상