Ajou's soccer team wins the 2016 Incheon International Airport U-league Area 3[16.10.05]The Ajou University soccer team won the Area 3 championship in the 2016 Incheon International Airport U-league.On September 30th, the University soccer team sealed the championship by defeating Myongji University 2 to 1 in the last game of the season, held at Myongji. Ajou recorded 30 points (9 wins, 3 draws, and 2 losses), which is 2 points higher than Cheongju University. Until the last game, there was fierce competition over the local championship, because the area had traditionally strong teams, including Hongik University, Cheongju University, and Myongji University.In the U-League, 78 university teams play home and away games in 10 areas during the regular season, and the top three teams from each area advance to the playoff tournament to select the final champion. In the beginning of season, Ajou's goal was to take the third spot in the area considering the injuries of key players and the generational shift.Once the season started, however, the University proved to be well-organized and showed strong performances with six wins, one draw, and no losses at home. The Area Championship, which came three years after 2013, was thanks to the leadership of the coaches, including Head Coach Seok Joo Ha, and enthusiastic supporters including 1,200 people at the home opening game. Ajou’s soccer team front office, the first time among South Korean universities, also contributed with professional support in the game operation, promotion, and cheering.Head coach Ha said, "Our achievement is all because of the strong support from the University and our fans," adding, "I want to thank you all and we will continue to make our best efforts.”Ajou is playing in the U-League Playoff to be held from October 28th to November 11th in Pocheon City. A total of 32 teams will participate, including the area champions, and Ajou is scheduled to play in the round of thirty-two on October 28th.
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2016-10-10
- 25169
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- 작성일2016-10-10
- 25400
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Ajou holds a conference on artificial intelligence with Dr. Ben Goertzel[16.09.28]At 2 p.m. on September 28th, Ajou University's Center for New Industries and Convergence Technologies (Director Joo Yeoun Lee) held the '1st Global Conference on New Industries and Convergence Technologies' in Yulgok Hall's Grand Auditorium under the theme 'Changes That Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Bring.'Dr. Ben Goertzel, a world-renowned AI expert who heads the OpenCog Foundation, gave a lecture at the Conference. He has served as a leader in the field by opening the source code of OpenCog – a platform for controlling AI robots – and sharing it with AI developers around the world.In his lecture, Dr. Goertzel said, "AI is expected to play a central role in most social areas and replace the majority of professions in ten years. Knowledge that is now being taught at universities may be useless by then. Nevertheless, we should continue to strive to build our learning abilities." After the lecture, Ajou's Center for New Industries and Convergence Technologies signed an MOU with Pangyo Global CTO Club (Chairman Se Tak Chang). The two sides plan to lead in establishing a collaboration system among industries, academia, and research institutes by connecting the Pangyo, Gwanggyo, and Dongtan areas and to serve as the hub and spokes of new industries and convergence technologies in our hyper-connected society.Professor Joo Yeoun Lee said, "Dr. Ben Goertzel is a prominent scholar who has pioneered AI projects," adding, "This conference will contribute to boosting research in new industries and convergence technologies."
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2016-10-06
- 25859
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Ajou's College of Humanities organizes the 'Career Fair' and meetings between University graduates and students[16.09.27]The 'College of Humanities Career Fair,' which was organized by Ajou University, was held on September 24th in Dasan Hall. A total of 210 students participated in the event, which aims to help students explore their career options and be prepared to find jobs.On the morning of the 24th, President Suk Hee Sohn of JTBC's News Division gave a special lecture in Dasan Hall Auditorium on the development of the media industry and the current status and skills required for those working in the field, etc.President Sohn said, "Professional expertise is even more important for journalists as the media platform is evolving very fast," adding, "I recommend that you prepare yourself by building professional knowledge in the areas you are interested in."His lecture was followed by a Q&A session with the audience.In the afternoon, University graduates from different occupations had meetings with students. The thirty senior graduates who participated were divided into several groups for effective discussions: government officials/public agencies; broadcasting, content, publishing, distribution, and service industries; and teachers/those in graduate school.President Dong Yeon Kim said in his greeting, "I hope that this event will be a meaningful opportunity for students to find what they really want to do," adding, "The University is carrying out the 'Cheer Up, Change Up' Program to take joint responsibility for our students’ careers."Professor Koo Byoung Park (Department of History), who chairs the Career Counseling Committee under the College of Humanities, said, "Due to structural and systematic reasons, graduates of the College are facing challenges in finding jobs," adding, "Today's event aims to encourage students who are striving to prepare for their future and to help them join forces with others from the College."Tae Yeon Kim (senior, Department of French Language and Literature) who participated in the event said, "The kind and practical advice from the senior graduates was very helpful," adding, "I hope that there will be more chances to network with people from the College of Humanities."After the event, there was a beer party with the graduates, students, and professors from the College of Humanities participating.
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2016-10-06
- 25593
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Ajou holds the Game Software Academy for elementary school students[16.09.24]Ajou University Software Education Center held the 3rd Junior Game Software Academy on September 24th and the 25th as part of the Software Specialized University Project carried out by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.Students from Suwon-based elementary schools participated and had fun during the program. Professor Gyu Hwan Oh (Department of Digital Media) helped the students develop a creative computing-related mindset through creating games.Ajou University has organized various education programs as part of the Software Specialized University Project. In May and July, the first two sessions of the Junior Game Software Academy were held for students attending neighboring middle schools. The fourth session, scheduled for November, and the third one, held this month, are available to 4th-6th grade elementary school students.The Online Software Academy for Citizens, which educates Suwon citizens on Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT), was launched earlier this month. During the winter vacation, there will be additional sessions of the Youth Software Camp for elementary, middle, and high school students and the Software Academy for Teachers, etc.
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2016-10-04
- 26298
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Ajou's 2016 Summer AFTER YOU Program ends with a mentoring event[16.09.23]A mentoring event for the participants of the 'After You Program – 2016 Summer Ajou Global Campus' was held on the afternoon of September 23rd in Ajou University’s Seongho Hall Theater.The event was attended by the students who participated in the Program, Ajou University President Dong Yeon Kim, and members of ‘Cheong Ya,’ who have served as mentors to the participants, including Chairman Hong Kuk Kim of Harim Group. Cheong Ya is a society of people who pioneered their future on their own by attending night high schools or colleges because of financial difficulties.Ji Yoon Park (Department of Culture and Contents), who went to the University of Michigan this summer, served as the MC, and nine program participants, including Hee Jeong Hwang (Department of Psychology) and Assistant Manager Joong Hwa Kim (LINC Project Group), presented on their experiences. After the presentation, plaques of appreciation were presented to the members of 'Cheong Ya,' who donated to the program, and words of appreciation were read for donors. The main event was then followed by a beer party on the lawn in front of Seongho Hall.The AFTER YOU Program, one of several projects that Ajou launched last summer, is an intensive overseas training program for students who are having difficulties in developing overseas experience due to the challenging environment. Two hundred twenty students have built various experiences at Program partner universities in China and the U.S. over three sessions since summer vacation last year. This summer, a total of 121 students were sent to Washington University, the University of Michigan, and Johns Hopkins University in the U.S. and Beijing Institute of Technology and Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China.Twenty percent of Program participants were selected from students attending other local universities. The Program is funded by donations from people who agree with the need for such an initiative.
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2016-10-04
- 25113
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Ajou's students share global internship experiences through a presentation [16.09.23]Presentations on the '2016 Global Internship (Do Dream)' were held on the afternoon of September 21st in Yulgok Hall's Video Conference Room at Ajou University.The University students who participated in the Global Internship program and worked as interns at global companies over the last two years presented on their experiences to other students. Also in attendance were Vice President Ho Won Jung from World-OKTA and Team Leader Mi Ho Jung from KOTRA, etc., who represented the companies participating in the program.President Dong Yeon Kim from Ajou University and Vice President Jung gave words of encouragement to the presenters.The University launched the Global Internship program last year to help students experience the corporate culture and practices at global companies. About 100 students have participated in the program so far. Five students served as presenters on the day, including Yong Hwa Jun (Department of Business Administration, admitted class of 2011) who worked at Yejia Electronic Technology in China, Min Huh (Department of Applied Chemical & Biological Engineering, admitted class of 2012) who interned at Terranova in Paraguay, Hyun June Kim (Department of Business Administration, admitted class of 2011) who served at ABCO Slovakia, Seon Gyu Kim (Department of e-Business, admitted class of 2009) who went to BMW in Germany, and Geon Hee Park (Department of e-Business, admitted class of 2009) who worked at the KOTRA Office in Silicon Valley.
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2016-09-30
- 25116
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KEB Hana Bank donates 50 million won to Ajou's Game-Changing Revolution Fund [16.09.23]KEB Hana Bank donated 50 million won to Ajou University's Game-Changing Revolution Fund.The ceremony to deliver the donation was held on September 22nd in Yulgok Hall's Conference Room 1 at the University, with officials from KEB Hana Bank and the University participating.President & CEO Young Joo Ham and Director Seong Cheol Jung of the Southern Gyeonggi Business Department, etc., were in attendance from KEB Hana Bank and President Dong Yeon Kim, Executive Vice President for Industry-Academia Cooperation Kyung Hee Choi, Vice President for Planning Jung Seob Lee, Vice President for Student Affairs Jai Hyoung Cho, and Dean Yung Ho Cho of the Graduate School of Business Administration participated in the event from the University.Ajou's Game-Changing Revolution Fund is being used for the main projects being carried out by the University, including the After You Program and the Paran Semester.President & CEO Ham said, "KEB Hana Bank decided to donate to the Fund as we agreed with the objectives of the programs that are being pursued by President Kim and Ajou University," adding, "It is even more significant since President Kim once worked at the Bank of Seoul Trust, which is the former company of Hana Bank."President Kim delivered a plaque of appreciation to the KEB Hana representatives.Chairman and CEO Jung Tai Kim from Hana Financial Group, who visited the University on the occasion of the ceremony, gave a lecture entitled "Enjoy What You Are Doing! Enjoy Tomorrow's Changes!" to about 700 students. < Chairman and CEO Jung Tai Kim gives a lecture to Ajou University students. > < Officials from Ajou University and Hana Financial Group talk over tea before the donation event. >
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2016-09-30
- 25152
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Ajou gives lectures to local high schoolers as part of the Gyeonggi Education Cluster Project[16.09.22]Ajou University is offering a program to high school students in which they can get a taste of university lectures. The program, which is available from August to next February, is part of the Education Cluster Project carried out by the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education.Under the Project, universities offer various learning opportunities to students attending neighboring high schools. Ajou's professors or students in their master's or doctoral courses will give special lectures or arrange experiments related to their majors for high schoolers.On September 20th, Professor Kuzuburi (Department of Korean Language and Literature) from the University kicked off the program by giving a lecture entitled 'Appreciation and Understanding of Modern Literature' at Jangan High School located in Jangan-gu, Suwon City. Also in attendance at the lecture were students from neighboring Daepyeong High School and Sukji High School.One of the student participants said, "The lecture was an opportunity for me to better understand poems and become more sensitive," adding, "I assumed that it would be similar to a high school lecture, but it was quite interesting and satisfying to me." Under the Program, the University is also offering Bio Science Experiments (Department of Biological Science), International Relations and Relevant Institutions (Department of Political Science and Diplomacy), and Culture in the Francophone Countries (Department of French Language and Literature).Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education is operating the Education Cluster Project to help local schools share and utilize education curriculum and subjects. It gives students the choice to take subjects that are available at other schools within the cluster, even if their own schools do not offer them. One hundred thirty-six schools are participating in the Project, including general high schools, vocational high schools, and special-purpose high schools.
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- 작성일2016-09-30
- 25226
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- 작성일2016-09-27
- 25130
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- 작성일2016-09-27
- 24823
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- 작성일2016-09-26
- 24848
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